Cyoakha Grace O'Manion - Vocals & Toys

William Blum - Guitars, Bass, Synths, Percussion, Treatments & Engineering

Daivd Brownell - Drums & Percussion

Projekt Ekolalia:

With a small wooded, stream side cottage in Northern California as its crucible and studio this trio fused their creativities and evoked this collection of dreamy yet oft wild pieces which cross between pop songs and avant soundscapes.

Although loaded with songs which hold their own as individual tracks, in composite this collection of 11 pieces take the listener on a sensual voyage. Once you are a few tracks in you may find yourself in a altered space.

Central to Projekt Ekolalia is the amazing creativity and vocals of Cyoakha. The 9 tracks she sings on reveal her wide scope and summon her shamanic influences.
